Road to IndieDev #2

As my road to IndieDev continues, I want to show a game I´m developing this month. The idea is to create One Game a Month, and for February I´m working on some kind of boardish game.
I created the Game Design with pen and paper, so anyone could play with a paper, a pen and a dice. But then I decided to transfer the ideas to Unreal Engine, to have the game on a digital version.
Is a simple game, meant to be develop in just one month by just one person (me). But I realized that the game was larger than the paper could show. Now, 15 days to end February, maybe I will not deliver the game on time.
But fear not. This is only a personal goal. I think that its better to delay the launch than deliver a broken game.
The game is called One Left. The main goal is to have just one block unpushed .The player has a dice and a board. After throwing the dice, the player will get a number, and needs to push one block with the corresponding number. If no block is found, the player needs to unpush any previous pushed block.
The game has a timer, and when it reaches zero, it´s game over. As the main goal is to have all blocks pushed, but one, the player needs to be fast to push/unpush and throw the dice until the time ends. Now, anytime the player push or unpushed a block, he gains 3 seconds. So its a good idea to keeping throwing the dice.
When the player pushes all block in one row or column, the blocks are frozen. So they can´t be pushed or unpushed anymore. This adds a layer of difficulty.
Some mechanics need to be balanced. But here´s a video from the first gameplay. (audio is in Portuguese. sorry. My spoken English is a work in progress)
In this Project I challenged myself to work with Mouse Events. And to prove myself that we can create simple mouse games with Unreal Engine.
More to come.